I wouldn't trade this job for anything in the world.
Bill during RAF pilot training
December 1936
Picture of Bill Martyn from 1941
Lt. Cdr. William W. H. Martyn,
D.S.C. and Bar (RN)
This website is dedicated to preserving and sharing the military service of Bill Martyn from 1936 - 1946, first with the Royal Air Force and then the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm.
Bill served with distinction through-out the war in Europe and the Pacific and was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and Bar, as well as receiving 3 M.i.D.'s (Mention in Despatches).
Hawker Hurricane MkI in formation
Don't worry about me - I'm happy, and where I want to be - the probability of not pulling through this war causes me no anxiety.
in a letter to his father
October 1941

Quick Facts

Born: December 30, 1915 (Winnipeg, Canada)
Hometown: Calgary, Canada
Died: April 3, 1975 (Victoria, Canada)
Height: 6' 2"
Military Service: October 1936 - June 1946
RAF: October 12, 1936 to August 1, 1938
RN Fleet Air Arm: August 1, 1938 to June 1946
Total Flying Hours: 1,752
Types of Aircraft Operated: 48
Aircraft Carriers In: 7
Aerodromes Visited: 100
Countries Visited: 16
Enemy Aircraft Downed: 4 (with 8 probable)
Highest Decoration: Distinguished Service Cross and Bar

Choose your mission


Peter Lawson's Firsts and Foremost: The Story of Bill Martyn provides an excellent summary of what Bill did during World War II. I recommend starting there.


Drawing on all aspects of Bill's life from 1936 to 1945, the blog weaves a mosaic patchwork of stories that aim to breath life into events that took place more than 75 years ago.


Bill's second log book, from July 1941 to November 1945, is shared here. Unfortunately, his first log book was lost during Operation Pedestal, when Indomitable was bombed.


Three hundred plus letters provide a unique glimpse into the thoughts and experiences of a young man pursuing his dream and ultimately getting caught up in war.


Here you will find an interactive map of the aerodromes and countries Bill visited/operated from between 1936-1945. A second map about operations is in the works.


Bill made headlines around the world with a raid on a long-range gun at Calais. Notices of M.i.D.'s, his DSC and Bar featured in Canadian newspapers. And other clippings here.

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