My card this year shows my flight of Nimrod single-seater fighters over Malta in rather tightish formation - see for yourself! Once the Italians see a formation like that they'll go home quick.
When you want manoeuvrability combined with high speed and rate of climb, come along with me in a Sea Gladiator.
The Hawk Trainer is a very fast machine but I go on Hawker Harts on Jan. 9 and you can ease stick back and things really happen in them.
Did you know that when the Spitfire or Hurricane fires its 8 Brownings - the speed of the Aircraft drops 40 m.p.h. (remarkable, eh?)
The period for war time flying training has been cut down now, so I am glad that I had a good training. My three years' service flying should do me in good stead, I hope, but I am not saying anything.